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The SECR Farm Fight, Jan. 2002

This is URscrewed
I entered it into the SECR's First Annual "Farm Fight" in January of 2002, and here is a ver blurry pic of URscrewed after the event, ready to leave. Though it could work then, it would not work in any fights correctly, oh well, this teaches me to have stuff working BEFORE you go to an event.

Daffodil By Derek Zahn
Daffy is a very cool 12lber, with a fast, but not too powerful spinnng drum weapon as a body. This fight had some bad luck on my part. Before the fight, i worked about 7 hours to get URscrewed ready. It could have been cut to about 3 hours if i would have relized a motor lead was disconnected from the motor. Ok, on to the fight...The buzzer sounded, and we were off, kinda. We both danced around a bit, and i had no control over my bot, because the antenna was on the inside, and his right side was locking up. So, he finnally go to me, and i was driving in wierd ways, and went straight at him. He dodged me, and for some reason, my left side stopped working. After the fight, i found a wire from motor to TD relay was disconnected. We tangled for the whole 3 minutes, but not before i spun around, caught him on the wedge, and FLUG him into the air, end over end. But since i had no control, he got more strategy, he had a spinner, so he had more damage, and I could not go straight, so i had not much aggression. End of the fight...30-15, he wins.

Nudge, the 2lb, yes, TWO pound 12lb entry by team f.u.b.a.r. This match was kinda funny actually. Once again, my drive went to only one side, and i really couldn't do much except run him over, reverse, run him back over. This was about 2 minutes of the match. But in the final 10-15 seconds, he mananged to get under me and push me up against the wall, i was on top of him, and he could not move. Sad, really because it was funny running him over. A few times i just rolled on top of him, and stayed there, keeping him from moving. Fight 2...35-10 if i remember correctly. So, i am out of the tourney, with an 0-2 record. I have retired URscrewed, and used the motors in WCS.

A little while after i fixed URscrewed for the rumble, i learned i had to leave, to go to the motel room. (parents) So, there was a 20 minute competition break, so i challenged a few robots. I challenged 911, a 3-time champion 12lber, and later the FF champion. I also challenged moebius, a 120lb awesome robot, just to see my robot die. sadly both of them could not fight, one was still in combat, the other was having trouble. So, in the end, i wanted to fight matt again anyway, so i challenged splat.

Robocide: The Showdown In O-Town, Jan 3-5, 2003

Magically Malicous
Being my second event, and another year of experiance, i figured, ya, i'm good, i know what i'm doing, and guess what? once again, i was wrong, and the robot was actually ready. since i hadn't finished the wiring, someone else did, i did not notice something. THE RX SWITCH! i tested the robot before i had to fight, it wouldn't work, i charged batteries...still nothing.

Team Whyachi-YU812
Well, without a working LW, and my first match up against YU812, i am scared. i am running around like a maniac trying to get my robot working. Big thanks to Team Whyachi for trying to get my robot working, lending me a radio to try and use, and for all the stuff you guys helped with. Also thanks to Brian Nave, Karen Mcvey, and Chris Mcvey for finishing the wiring on Magically Malicous, even though i couldn't get it to work. But, that's not the fun stuff, the fun stuff is that i actually made an attempt to fight the robot, HEHE. I gutted the robot of expensive stuff (Victors, Batteries, rx,) and threw it in there to be killed, but the team whyachi guys are cool, and didn't turn on the spinner, so it was a boring 30 seconds, but a proud one, i think...