Retired Robots
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Here are the robots i've built and taken apart to never put back together.
Let all, of these beaten up beasts,

Her she be. The one that stalks you in your dreams, the one that the "in" crowd wispers of in the dark allies. My first attempt at a robot, URscrewed was a 12lb project for the SECR's Farm Fight. It was run on 2 14.4v HF drills to 2 6" Lawnmower wheels. It had to racing 7.2v packs in series, and 2 TD relays. This robot has been retired so that i could build my next 12lber, Worst Case Scenario, and much of it's insides are being reused elsewhere. As you can see, URscrewed is incased by it's evil Aluminum Tacklebox body.If she wasn't enclosed inside, the evilness of it would be enough to put the world in a state of chaos, and perhaps...kill...your...hamsters...mwuahahahaha
Reality Check
Reality Check, my second real robot, was built out of *ALL* used parts. It had 2 18v dewalts from Rob Moore, a Vantec RDFR23 from Keegan H, it's radio system reused from URscrewed, 4" Colsons and hubs ALSO from Rob Moore. The Frame is from SUBLIME 3, Manic Agressive 2, both competed at BB. I was the third to use the frame. This robot had only one fight, and it wasn't at a competition. Reality Check "fought" Alabama Slammer, Rick Nickel's bot, and the fight tought me something...NEVER...EVEREVEREVER!!! Use zipties to hold down batteries, ESPECIALLY Sealed Lead Acid batteries, about 2 minutes into the little spar, he flipped me over, and my batteries got thrown at me through the holes in the frame. What a sad, sad day for the robot. But, i can say my little 40lb LW survived being thrown by a 120lb MW.